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About Me


          R.G. Ravenwolfclaw began his life at Camp LeJeune in North Carolina and then spent much of his youth in San Diego, California. He returned to the Hampton Roads area of Virginia in the late 80s, where he continues to reside. He worked hard for a few decades and focused on raising two amazing young women. Even now, his family remains his greatest pride, and, with his second wife, he heads up a large, blended family with four generations and many critters. It is a family built more on love than blood and strives to keep each member cared for and supported.

           He is passionate about music and avidly supports the local "757" music scene. He also loves to take the world through the lens of his camera and share his love of music through images, as well as his love of nature. As a young child, he was a literal "tree hugger" and is happiest with his feet grounded in Mother Earth. He is an aspiring author working on a fictional romance novel about a shapeshifter in an interracial relationship and a memoir where he can share his life lessons of overcoming neglect and abandonment to find peace and strength on a spiritual path. 

           A key to that growth has been Madre Luna, who has mentored him to open his mind, heart, and spirit. His path is an eclectic one guided by his growing intuition and eagerness to learn. Other sources of inspiration are Christopher Penczak, Mat Auryn, Devin Hunter, and Storm Faerywolf. Each has contributed to his search for his divine self, served as role models for men participating in witch and occult commununities, and furthered his studies.     R. G. Ravenwolfclaw seeks to promote open discourse among withes and spiritually curious folks on his website and social media pages. For him, sharing knowledge, inspiration, and appreciation for others is central to his practice.  


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